Welcome to commercial commentary! This blog is dedicated to the critique and showcase of today’s wildly creative and wacked out television commercials. We are television watchers (namely for the commercials), consumers of media, and advertising gurus. Here we will comment on some of the most creative, funny, weird, and sexy commercials introduced. The commentary will include analytics, comparisons, and opinions on the effectiveness of an ad campaign. We have a passion for understanding the science behind the some of the most successful advertisements. Here we will not only discuss successes, but dive into a collection of ads that didn’t really hit the mark.

The goal is to sporadically run short articles about the current and most popular ads. We will also include general information about the classification and industry surrounding the advertisement market.
The discussions on the blog are solely the opinion of our staff members. If you have any comments or concern you can contact us at email.

And we will end it off with a joke: Unlike most tv watchers, we use TiVo to fast forward to the commercials. Please join us in the discovery of the best television advertisements.

Commercial Commentary